Friday, July 31, 2009

??? - Truthy Mel

Mel was a Star in this years tournament. We all were but out of the two games played, Mel got points with nearly all of her service! Mel's ability to decorate the DVD's, and contribution to the teams first game win have received her the title of the Team Scream! Ever silent until Game On! Mel, please tell us why there is no spiking at Hope...I lost our second game cause I blocked with a forward action...we should practice next year no? Teach me to serve! I think I flopped each turn I had...YOU ROCK!

1 comment:

  1. ahah,
    yeah i don't know why they had no spiking, i thought that was dumb - on the school team i was the setter and the one to spike, and i was angry about the fact that i wasn't aloud to spike, and yeah I noticed we the ref stopped the game after ever spike you did.. which was pointless.
    Aha, yeah I'll definetly teach you to serve!
    - Mell.
