Friday, July 31, 2009

??? - Truthy Mel

Mel was a Star in this years tournament. We all were but out of the two games played, Mel got points with nearly all of her service! Mel's ability to decorate the DVD's, and contribution to the teams first game win have received her the title of the Team Scream! Ever silent until Game On! Mel, please tell us why there is no spiking at Hope...I lost our second game cause I blocked with a forward action...we should practice next year no? Teach me to serve! I think I flopped each turn I had...YOU ROCK!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Video

Here is the awesome video of the fateful events of July 11th 2009. Stay tuned for the remaining team player profiles and details for next years tournament.

Go Team!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Hope 4 911 Truth 2010!!!

Got a letter to the captains today...looks like we are in for next year already! Same great team, same great channel! Ottawa Knows!

Dear Team Captain:

On behalf of HOPE, I would like to thank you for your participation in the 27th HOPE Beach SummerFest event this past Saturday.

For the first time in the history of the event, game play was cancelled. This decision was not taken lightly, and was made after significant consultation with Ottawa Police Services, security experts and the other emergency service providers on site. After the torrential down-pouring of rain, the condition of both the sand and grass courts quickly became a hazard for the participants. In addition, the weather reports we received from other locations in the storm track indicated a high possibility of additional severe weather. With safety being paramount, the decision to cancel the volleyball games was made, and this was announced to all on site.

On the advice of the above team, the Amphitheatre concert area was deemed safe for the conditions, and was allowed to remain open for the duration of the day. All scheduled performers did in fact take the stage and performed with minimal interruptions for weather.

Going forward, HOPE will ensure that each of the six designated recipient charities receive all of the funds that they desperately need in this economic downturn.

To recognize the support that you and your team have shown to HOPE and the six recipient charities, HOPE will be providing a discounted rate for the 2010 tournament to all registered teams from this year.

In addition, a pre-registration system will be implemented to ensure that this year’s teams have priority for the 2010 tournament. This means your team will be guaranteed a spot if you register during this period, and many Recreational teams that were on grass will be upgraded to sand courts.

Further detail on these initiatives for the 2010 Hope Volleyball SummerFest will follow soon.

As the team captain, you will be our first point of communication and we hope that you will communicate this (and future) messages onto your teammates.

Thank you again for your continued support of HOPE,

Jeff Marcellus

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Cancelled and Gone Wild...Hope

Hope Volleyball was canceled due to weather @ about 1 o'clock. Details to come about what exactly will happen...but here is a taste of what happened...

911 Gone Wild!

Ottawa 911 Truth IS Change! Yeah Team!

Friday, July 10, 2009

35 - G-Bert (Dr. VolleyKane)

Well...apparently we have a 7 foot, 323lb monster on our team. He is a resident Truther of Ottawa often taking part in every truth action/seminar/documentary/movie night. He is predicting Torrential Rain tomorrow with small animals falling from every angle. He will command the thunder and lightning to our advantage! All praise Kane. No spiking dude!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Soundtrack to Summer

The Soundtrack Listing

This Summer we are change. This summer the grasshoppers are going to tell the ants and whatever else that we are ready for winter. We have prepared. We Know.

Grasshopper Media Blog

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

HOPE 4 911 TRUTH Game Times and Competitors

Went to pick up the paperwork for Coach today. Seems we are on Court 16 although the head guy had told me yesterday we were on 17...maybe its a typo. We are right there anyway...Court 16 I think...

We are playing Team Biagio's, NV Ultra Club, Energie 104.1, Nutri-Lawn and The Crushers, in sequence. Game times at 9:15, 11:15, 1:15, 2:15, 3:15. NOTICE we are RC not CS and Proud of extra cost...we get no perks like the party Friday or extra bottles of sunscreen to smear all over our truthy bodies. Ah well. We get to play, thats what counts. Time for fun later!

Click to Enlarge